Geelong Cats 2024 First Nations Guernsey Adult
Layers of the Land
Artwork story for Geelong Football Club Indigenous Guernsey
design 2024 - By Sherry Johnstone
The deeper meaning behind this artwork reflects my own personal thoughts,
feelings, and experiences and how I view the world and everything it beholds.
All things have a place, purpose, spirit, and connection. If we can all take the
time to respect, listen, observe, connect, learn, and grow from what surrounds
us, we can learn to live in harmony with it and care enough to contribute to
creating a more sustainable future for our children and generations to come.
I once read a wise Indian Chief’s powerful proverb that left an impact on me.
It said: We don’t inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
Overall, I wanted this Guernsey design to create thoughts and conversations
about looking after Country, and how important it is to appreciate, protect and
fight for what we have whilst restoring what is struggling to survive. So, the key
messages are for us all to be aware of the impact we are having on our
environment and animals and working together on creating timely solutions.